08/03/2022 17:50

Commissioner: Enemy actions aimed at creating environmental catastrophes in Ukraine are an ecocide

The military attack of the aggressor's troops threatens ecological catastrophes in Ukraine.

 That night, as a result of an enemy projectile, a fire broke out at an oil depot in the Zhytomyr region.  Since the beginning of the invasion of the Russian Federation due to shelling by the aggressor's troops, oil depots in Kyiv, Sumy and other regions have burned down.

 The fires caused uncontrolled emissions of combustion products - acid gases and carcinogens, which threaten the health of residents and destroy the local ecosystem.

 De-energization of large poultry farms in Ukraine (Chornobayivska in Kherson region, Bohodukhivska and Okhochevska in Kharkiv region) and destruction of logistics routes to ensure the viability of production facilities leads to a mass plague of chickens and the impossibility of their disposal.  As a result, it threatens ecological catastrophe in these regions, the spread of infectious diseases, pollution of wastewater and groundwater, soil contamination.

 The actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation aimed at creating environmental disasters in Ukraine are an ecocide.

 According to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, signed by both Ukraine and the Russian Federation, war crimes include intentional assault when it is known that it will cause accidental widespread, long-term and serious damage to the environment incomparable to expected military superiority.

 I call on international partners to increase sanctions pressure on the aggressor state to stop the military invasion and withdraw the Russian armed forces from Ukraine.

 I ask NATO member states to close the skies over Ukraine!

@NATO #closethesky #закрийтенебонадукраіною